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SUDOKU v.1.0

Relook 200s/400s - Neumo-Team Plugin

SUDOKU  v.1.0


Caution! This plugin is not an official release of DGStation.
It can include bugs and other strange things.

We are not responsible for any damages! You have be warned!


This plugin is for the Relook 200s/400s which use the firmware...

PONG v.1.0 Plugin Game

Relook 200s/400s - Neumo-Team Plugin

PONG  v.1.0


Caution! This plugin is not an official release of DGStation.
It can include bugs and other strange things.

We are not responsible for any damages! You have be warned!


This plugin is for the Relook 200s/400s which use the firmware...

PONG v.1.5 Plugin Game

Relook 200s/400s - Neumo-Team Plugin

PONG  v.1.5


Caution! This plugin is not an official release of DGStation.
It can include bugs and other strange things.

We are not responsible for any damages! You have be warned!


This plugin is for the Relook 200s/400s which use the firmware...