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  G-Box Center V.1.4.7

s_Fanous and stanpl present:

G-Box Center V.1.4.7

G-Box Center is a DM plugin. It provides lots of informaton and statistics for gbox and cs2gbox.

FTP egboxcenter.cfg and egboxcenter.so to /var/tuxbox/plugins/
Make sure you have ident.info in /var/keys/
FTP egboxcenterd to /var/bin/ (OPTIONAL, Only if you want to use G-Box Control Center)

Change Log

- adapted egboxcenter to new CVS so this plugin works with CVS  06/02/06 and later
- added -pmt parameter to egboxcenterd (so egboxcenter can (re)create pmt.tmp file after zap) GREAT function for CVS images
- some changes in egboxcenter (socket fix)

--G-Box Control Center is back. However to see the menu in G-Box Center and utilize it, egboxcenterd MUST be running. FTP egboxcenterd to /var/bin/ and don't forget to change it's mode to 755 (chmod 755 egboxcenterd). Starting egboxcenterd at dream startup differs from image to image, but since this feature is mainly intended to work with CVS images, here is what you need to do

1-Create a file called init as follows

/var/bin/egboxcenterd &
1.1 egboxcenterd with pmt parametr

/var/bin/egboxcenterd -pmt&

2-FTP the init file to /var/etc/
3-Change the mode of the init file to 755 (chmod 755 init)
4-Restart your dreambox
5-If you followed the aforementioned steps correctly then the G-Box Control Center menu will appear in the plugin.
--emm.info added to G-Box EMU Center
--Cosmetic widget fixes

--Major code rework
--G-Box Trace Center is GREATLY optimized to be useful now with LIMITED to NON EXISTANT screen flickering.
--Changed Attacks Display
--Changed Card Details Display
--Optimized window sizing and positioning of widgets
--Disabled G-Box Control Center until Bug is solved

V.1.3.0 (Unreleased)
--Added G-Box File Check (Great thanks to stanpl for helping out with the code)
--Added Configure ignore.list (All gbox config files coming soon)
--G-Box Statistics Center additions (Info from /tmp/share.log and /tmp/share.stat)

V.1.2.5 (Unreleased)
--Configure NDS bug fix to accept BIG numbers.

--Attack Log (/tmp/attack.txt)
--Various bug fixes
--G-Box Control Center is still buggy!!!

--G-Box Toolset --> Configure nds
You need to input the full number on the card and box, and the plugin will do the rest for you and create the file /var/keys/nds.
--Fixed bug where plugin would ignore ident.info lines with more than 1 ";"

--G-Box Control Center (Start/Stop/Restart gbox and cs2gbox) (Based on Sin's idea)
This will only work if the binaries are named gbox and cs2gbox, and are located in /var/bin/

--plugin is now forgiving to errors in ident.info (i.e. will not crash enigma, but will skip lines that aren't in the correct syntax)
--Number of peers in Peer Status Window Title
--Number of cs2gbox connections in CS2G-Box Connection Status Window Title

Thanks to N@bilo, PAS, supermedo, iet8, Mat82, Rocknroll, Sin, MikeV

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