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  incubusCamd 0.92

- solved once for all bugs with spaces and comments in config files

10/08/2009, V0.92
- fixed a bug on caid tunneling
- fixed a bug when a cw with same old value arrives
- added web interface (the config writer could have some bugs, it is not 100% tested)
- added log of ecm pid selected
- added timeout check on server connection (no more blocking if a fail server is given)
- fixed a check on multi-istances
- added on_screen_messages_ecm and on_screen_messages_emm (emm are disabled, so now is useless), pay attention,
it will pop-up a message on the screen each time an ecm decrypted successfully arrives
- if no more protocol or priority type will be selected (check_priority, cs_protocol_order) nothing will be used by default,
check the config file for more examples and infos
- added possibility to set priority/ignore on ecm pid (check the incubusCamd.prio file for more infos/examples)
- fixed a bug with emu given by cccam protocol servers
- fixed a bug on reading keys from SoftCam.Key file (also added possibility to use char ; or # for comments)
- now all emulators codifies should be ok, i can't test them all, so report if something is wrong (do not forget to use the SoftCam.Key edited
like the one attached in the release pack, because it's not like others softcam.key files)
- fixed a bug on reading config files, wich do not delete spaces ' ' when found

No EMMs are supported yet, so do not hope in that, emms will be implemented in a future version.

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