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  Ntfs Alternate Data Streams (ADS)

NTFS Alternate Data Streams (ADS) What they are, and what they mean for you.

1. Introduction..

To properly introduce the insertion of ADS support in NTFS, which started with
Windows NT 3.1, we must first take a look in the Macintosh world. As some of you
might know, Macintosh files do not generally have an extension. Yet, the OS is
capable of recognizing who made the application and properly execute it (along
with coloring the file based on your settings or other Mac features). This is
possible because Macintosh files have two "forks". The resource fork, which
contains this information, and the data fork, which contains the executable code
itself (as a side note, this has changed in Mac OS X). When Windows NT 3.1 came
out, it had compatibility support for AppleTalk, meaning that NT and MacOS users
could easily exchange data. This caused a problem however, since there was no
way to copy the resource fork and the data fork of a file directly onto the NT
file system. Doing so would only copy the data fork, since the resource fork
wasn't physically in the file, but in a separate stream. (In other words, the
data and resource fork don't occupy the same cluster on disk, or are part of the
same contiguous file). Microsoft then had to implement NTFS ADS, which meant
that NT would see the resource fork as another stream, and would be able to copy
it along with the file onto a Macintosh computer. Extremely low-level and
inaccessible by most APIs or programs, ADS didn't become popular until much

2. The dawn of ADS

With Windows NT 4, ADS took on a more important place in the heart of the NT OS.
NT 4 started supporting Hard Links (Hard Links is something from the Unix world,
it's the ability to logically "map" a file or folder to another one. For
example, c:\mymusic\mp3\alex\rock\heavy\2002 can be mapped to C:\Heavy Rock
2002. While this seems much like a shortcut, a shortcut is an extra file that
the Shell has to interpret. You cannot directly do file operations on a
shortcut, and you can't use it in the command prompt. A Hard Link is a "physical
shortcut".) and some anti-virus companies started writing checksums in a special
ADS. However, no official API was made for Hard Links, and checksum ADS were
really rare. This changed in Windows 2000.

3. The golden age of ADS

Windows 2000 brought a number of new features to NTFS, sparse files, summary
information data, ACLs and the Encrypted File System, and an easy to use API to
create hard links. All this information is stored in the ADS of a file. For
example, right-clicking on a movie and going to properties allows you to enter
information such as "Author, Keyword, Title". This information is not written in
the file itself, but in an ADS. Encrypting a file will also create a special
ADS. Since ADS was becoming more known, some viruses are also known to exploit
ADS. Why? Because Microsoft left a lot of holes in the implementation.

4. What's an ADS anyways?

An alternate data stream, as mentioned in the introduction, is any kind of data
that can be attached TO a file but not IN the file on an NTFS system. The Master
File Table of the partition will contain a list of all the data streams that a
file contains, and where their physical location on the disk is. Therefore,
alternate data streams are not present in the file, but attached to it trough
the file table. A typical file contains only a single data stream, called $DATA.
This is the data contained in the file itself, and is not an ALTERNATE data
stream, since it is the data stream itself.

The convention that Microsoft chose for file naming is the following:
filename.extetsion:alternatedatastreamname:$DATA. When you open a file, by any
normal means, you are therefore accessing the $DATA stream. Since there is no
alternate data stream, the file system actually opens filename.extension::$DATA.
If however this file had an alternate data stream called "joe", and you wanted
to open it, you would have to open filename.extension:joe:$DATA. I hope this is
clear until now.

In the previous paragraphs, I mentioned that an ADS can store Hard Links,
Encryption, Summary Information, etc. However, these are the uses that the OS
has for an ADS. You, the user, can create an infinity of ADS for your own usage.
Let's see why this is useful.

5. What ADS mean for you

If you understood everything until now, you have noticed that ADS are not stored
in the file itself. You might be asking yourself "if I store 1MB worth of text
into an ADS of a file, will the file become 1MB bigger?" Here's the great side
about ADS…it won't. Since the data is never stored in the file itself, the APIs
to retrieve the size of the file will never take into account the ADS you
might've added (or that the OS added). Just like Explorer will only display and
open the $DATA data stream (the file itself), Explorer will only show the size
of $DATA (the size of the file itself). Explorer is not exhibiting a bug; any
application calling the normal Windows API will exhibit the same behavior. So
what does this mean? It means you can store 2 Gigabytes of data into the ADS of
an empty file and that the OS will display the file as empty. Opening this file
with notepad will result in a blank text page, and even a hex editor would
display the file as empty. The 2GB would however be shaved off your disk, and
would you forget the existence of this ADS, only a reformat would reclaim your

6. Small summary

To review what we've learnt till now: An NTFS file is made of data streams. The
main data stream, called $DATA is the file itself and can be opened, read,
written or otherwise modified by any application. You will never see any mention
of this data stream. The second type of data stream is called an alternate data
stream, or ADS. Any kind of information can be stored in an ADS, and it will
remain invisible to the user. The data will never be seen when opening the file,
and the file size of the file will never change. An example of an OS-created ADS
is the Summary Information you can write about a file. A user can create any
number of ADS he wants and store whatever information inside.

7. Clarifications (practical example)

I mention that a user will not see an ADS, but that he can create them. I then
say that an ADS will be invisible to the user…what is the point then? You must
be wondering, and this chapter will offer an easy example so you can understand
better. Suppose that you have hundreds of passwords on numerous sites. You share
the computer with your roommate, who isn't exactly a genius in computers, but
would easily find "passwords.txt", or even something more "subtle". Here's a
trick, using ADS, that you can use. First, open notepad and paste some useless
readme text. Save this file to c:\readme.txt. Now, click on the start menu, then
press run, and type "notepad c:\readme.txt:passwords.txt". Press OK. Notepad
will ask if you want to create the file, since it's empty. Of course, Notepad is
actually referring to the data stream. Press OK, and then write down your
passwords. Close Notepad, and save the file when it asks you. Now for the test.
Open c:\readme.txt from explorer, or from Notepad or the Run command. You will
see your original readme text, with no mention of your passwords. Check the file
size in Explorer or DOS…it hasn't changed. Now go back to the Run command, and
type "notepad c:\readme.txt:passwords.txt". Notepad will open your passwords.
Now, assuming that you delete the Run previously-typed commands, your friend
will never have the idea of entering that command. Even if he knew about ADS,
how would he know which file you've stored it in, or what you've called your
ADS? If you want, you can also try running "notepad
c:\windows\explorer.exe:passwords.txt" and write your information there. Windows
and Explorer will run fine, yet your passwords will be linked to explorer.exe. I
don't suggest you do that in this example, since the only way to delete the ADS
is to delete the file itself (or use my program…)

8. Malicious usage

"So wait…if *I* can store hidden information on my own computer…can't a hacker
or a Trojan horse program store information or even executable code in ADS?
Can't a joker create a 5GB file on my computer without me ever finding out?"
Unfortunately, the answer to all those questions is yes. Executable code can be
placed in an ADS, and even executed, without ever touching the host program.
That's right… using API or the "Start" command in DOS, you can execute
"Explorer.exe:Trojan.exe". What this will do is execute the Trojan program,
without Explorer ever running. To make matters worse, Windows 2000 displays
"Explorer.exe" in Task Manager, not "Trojan.exe". Thankfully, XP has fixed this
horrible security bug. (but it still only shows explorer.exe:Trojan.exe…you
could call the file something less conspicuous). This is NOT a tutorial on how
to use ADS to hack, so I will not give any details on how to copy executable
code or running it. Unfortunately, a Trojan might've already done that on your
system, or a more computer-savvy "friend". Here's the good news: Using Kernel
Native APIs and the Backup APIs, it is possible to rapidly seek out any ADS on
your hard drive, as..well as read/write to them, or delete them

© 2003 Alex Ionescu

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