0day Exploit for Adobe Flash and Reader PoC (from the wild)

Wietse Venema 09.06.2010 Verified Vulnerable-App
Remote Exploits Multiple

Exploit Code

# Exploit-DB Note - Live POC originally found at http://qoop.org/security/poc/cve-2010-1297/

# File is malicious! Taken from the wild! Beware!
# To decrypt the file:
# openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a -in adobe-0day-2010-1297.tar.enc -out adobe-0day-2010-1297.tar
# Password is "edb" without the quotes.

NOTE: This was taken out of live malware and was not modified. BEWARE.

By visiting the following link, you agree that you are responsible for any damages that occur.

https://github.com/offensive-security/exploit-database-bin-sploits/raw/master/sploits/13787.tar.enc (adobe-0day-2010-1297.tar.enc)