3R Soft MailStudio 2000 2.0 Arbitrary File Access

Razvan Dragomirescu 09.06.2000 Verified
Remote Exploits CGI

Exploit Code

source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/1335/info
MailStudio 2000 is vulnerable to multiple attacks.
It is possible for a remote user to gain read access to all files located on the server via the usage of the "/.." string passed to a CGI, thereby compromising the confidentiality of other users email and password, as well as other configuration and password files on the system.
It is also possible to set a password for those system user accounts which don't have one in place (ex: operator, gopher etc).
There is also a input validation vulnerability in the userreg.cgi. This CGI uses a shell to execute certain commands. Passing any command directly after %0a in the arguments of the CGI will allow a remote user to execute the commands as root.
userreg.cgi also has an unchecked which could allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code as root.

Mail view vulnerability:

userreg.cgi vulnerability: